How many jeans is too many?

And the answer is…..never too many. But the caveat is that they need to be all in rotation and worn. On a recent visit to a clients house, we took out all the jeans and tried each pair on. The pile to donate was bigger that the pile to keep. And how did she feel afterwards? “Like a new woman”.

My suggestion is to take them all out and start trying on! Start a pile for donating, tailoring or back in the drawer. Is the back of the waistband too loose? It can be taken in. Is the hem too long? Easy! Take it to Nordstrom or to your favorite tailor (bring a selection of shoes to make sure the hem is perfect for you). Is the rise too low? If you’re now more comfortable with a higher rise, then move them out.

Too many skinny jeans? Keep your favorite pair and say goodbye to the rest. If you have sentimental jeans that you don’t wear but want to keep, take them out of the closet and set them aside.

The feeling of having all of your jeans in rotation that you actually wear is a wonderful feeling. Let’s do it! As always, let me know how it’s going! @vianstudios


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