10 Nano steps to a happy wardrobe

Inspiration can come in the least expected places. I was assisting keynote speakers with their wardrobe recently and came across an article that a speaker wrote, titled “Nano Tips to Boldly Advance Your Career”. Now I’m on a nano-spree. Summer is around the corner! It’s time to look at the closet and see what nano steps we can take to have a happy wardrobe. How do you feel about your wardrobe? Recently I decided to take a nano step and it inspired me to do more.

Here are 10 nano steps, have fun with it!

  1. Pick one item in your closet that you haven’t worn in 6 months and decide what to do with it. Donate? Give to a friend? Maybe it needs to be tailored….

  2. Review your summer shoes, do any need to go to the local cobbler to get fixed up?

  3. Pack up the winter items and get them out of your everyday closet. Store it in a bin (labeled) and put it in the garage, under the bed, in another closet, or whatever is best for your space.

  4. Empty the floor of your closet (or a portion of it) and get the dust out.

  5. Try on one or two pairs of jeans that you haven’t worn for a while and decide if you want to keep them.

  6. Book a time in your calendar to visit a local boutique and get inspired with a new spring-summer find.

  7. Talk to your hairstylist about a new haircut for summer and/or pick a new lipstick color for summer. I get compliments all the time when I wear Gucci’s “Anne Lilac” lipstick, it’s fun and bright for spring/summer.

  8. Throw out one or two old t-shirts that need to be refreshed and order replacements!

  9. Treat yourself to new underwear and throw out the old ones.

  10. Review your bras, they need to be replaced regularly, we wear them every day!

  11. Bonus! Book a free consultation with me to talk about how I can help with your wardrobe!


Think pink?


The little black dress for spring