The 2 Minute Closet Challenge

Need a closet pick-me-up? Two minutes a day will get you jump-started. Here’s my challenge, set the timer for two minutes and find one garment that you don’t wear. Are you ready to say goodbye to it? If you’re not sure, then try it on. Did it pass the “Lisa” test? The “Lisa” test means that when you try it on it feels like an A++. No b’s or c’s allowed. We need to LOVE our clothes. If you don’t love it, then you can decide if it gets donated or given to a friend, or maybe sell to a consignment store. If it’s an item that you want to keep but you don’t wear, move it out of the closet! Today I met with the husband of one of my styling clients. This was not two minutes, this was actually five hours of trying on his entire wardrobe. My advice is to tackle it a little bit at a time. And by the way, he ended up donating five full garbage bags full of clothes that he didn’t wear that were taking up space in his wardrobe

We all have too many clothes cluttering up our closets. I see it in my own closet. Our sizes and interests change all the time. Let’s weed out what we don’t wear. It’s depressing to look at clothes every day that don’t fit or we don’t like. Let’s start our day POWERFULLY with a wardrobe that we love. One step at a time!

For more information on virtual or in-person wardrobe consulting packages check out my website


Spring Wardrobe Conundrums


Stop the shopping