Spring Wardrobe Conundrums

It’s that time. Time to fold up the sweaters, turtlenecks and winter boots and set them aside. I’m ready for it! In Seattle it’s also that extremely awkward season of freezing cold mornings, occasional warm afternoons and who-knows-what it will be like at night. So as much as I want to pack it all up, I need to be thoughtful about it. Last week I wore my beloved black turtleneck sweater which I was hoping to be done with. Watching how people dress in Seattle in the spring is utterly entertaining. On a recent sunny (but chilly) Saturday afternoon I witnessed a young women wearing a crop top, sandals and shorts and passing her by a woman wearing a puffy coat, boots and scarf. This is real life fashion entertainment. I’m somewhere in the middle. I’ve graduated to my short puffy jacket and ditched the boots but nowhere near bare legs. The good news is that I have a warm weather trip coming up so the “summer-resort” bin has been unearthed and I’m about to dig in. Video of that coming soon! How’s it going in your closet these days? As always, wardrobe styling services available! www.vianstudios.com


Please don’t buy this clothing item online…


The 2 Minute Closet Challenge