Are you drowning in clothes that don't fit?

It’s real, I’ve seen it. Piles of clothes either hanging, on the floor or on shelves. Or all three. I get it, we’re busy!! The emotional drain of seeing these clothes every morning is not the way to start the day. At this point though you’re hardly noticing them. You know where those four items are that you wear all the time and everything else gets ignored. Can you imagine what it would be like to have only the items in your closet that you actually wear? Getting dressed would take about one minute or less. You got this but it takes a village! Enlist a friend or even better a wardrobe consultant. I show up with a rolling rack and we go from left to right trying on and deciding what to do with every item. Tailor it! Donate it! Re-work it into a new garment? Why not! It’s a new season and a perfect reason to get started and create the closet and wardrobe you LOVE.


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