Is sexy back?

Oh, sexy I remember that. But it was a long time ago (March 2020) that I was sent home from work to quarantine and create a “bubble” with my son. I wore sweat pants for 3 months while sewing masks, drinking cocktails every night at 5 pm, and making way too many homemade eclairs. When I went back to work 3 months later I promptly signed up for weight watchers. And clothes? Certainly sexy was not happening. I put on my skinny jeans and it felt like my legs were being strangled. Now my go-to pants are my beloved Wit and Wisdom with a hidden elastic waist. But now it’s time to step it up. Events are slowly happening. i was invited to a black-tie fashion show next month! And heels? I have a few clients who wear heels but the majority are saying goodbye to them. Even consignment stores aren’t taking them as too many people are donating and not enough are buying. I tried them on a few months ago and couldn’t walk. Apparently, my feet have moved on. I tried on a “sexy” dress that I wore 2 years ago and now it doesn’t seem age-appropriate. What happened?! So I’m feeling ready for a little sexy but now I’m assessing what’s right for my age (57). I will find a way 👠


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