How to get ready for spring fashion

How to get ready? Let’s start by getting rid of what we didn’t wear this winter. Clearing out the closet of what we didn’t wear feels GOOD. It opens up space mentally and physically.

Where to begin….well I got out the rolling rack* and put everything that’s on a hanger on the rack. Then I took a moment to enjoy my completely empty closet. I looked closely and saw some dust bunnies that I was happy to quickly extract. A fresh new space! I put back the items that I currently WEAR. All 30+ items that were left had to be dealt with. Some went to goodwill and some went in my spring clothes bin. What a wonderful feeling that was. Now the clothes have room to breathe and I can get dressed even more quickly which is always my goal.

When I have closet appointments with my clients, this is exactly what I do. What a lot of people don’t realize is that with simple tailoring, clothes that we don’t wear can be fixed. New outfits can be created when we have a new perspective. Also, having someone help with the process makes it more fun and less stressful.

Spring fashion is going to be fun! This season it’s all about trying out new looks and experimenting with color and texture. Let’s purge the clothes that are taking up space and make room for some fresh energy.

*A note about rolling racks—they are available at Ikea or Amazon and can be a fun addition to have. They fold up flat and help to get a clear view of the clothes (as opposed to piling up on a bed). A rolling rack can also be handy for packing for a trip.


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