Here we's almost sweater time

It’s happening. Today I helped a client move her sweaters back into her main closet. I haven’t done it for myself yet but it’s on my list. Summer is my favorite season so packing up summer clothes is not my favorite thing to do. Have you started clearing out your summer clothes and unpacking the sweaters? I have friends who ADORE fall and winter fashion so they can’t get it going fast enough. Personally, I wait until the first day of fall to start wearing fall clothes with one exception…..jeans. I discovered around mid-August that I’m ready for jeans again. Summer 2023 was a great summer for skirts and dresses for me, a win!! Now I’m re-visiting my denim to confirm that I still love all of them. The sweaters will wait :)


Top 5 Trends for Fall 2023


Your summer wardrobe review