Top 5 Trends for Fall 2023

It’s here! I’ve been packing up my summer clothes and assisting my clients as well. Here we go with fall. Now the question is… there anything new out there? I discovered a few things and here are the top 5. What’s on your wish list for fall?

  • The “corporate” look. I like this idea! We’ve been wearing sweats for so long, I think it’s fun to dress up and get our blazers out. I’ve been enjoying wearing mine this fall. Try a button-up blouse or a nice-fitting trouser as well.

  • Big scarves! I love this look. I went to a local movie theatre recently and watched Faye Dunaway in Eyes of Laura Mars (1978). She had the big scarf look perfected! If you like a good 70s thriller I recommend this one and Tommy Lee Jones is fun.

  • Winter florals! Always a favorite—this isn’t exactly anything new but I still like it. See below I’m wearing a floral dress from Velvet.

  • Well here’s one that’s fun, it’s the Rebel look inspired by Dame Vivienne Westwood who passed away almost one year ago. Bring the tartan and edgy fashion, I’m always a fan of something unique.

  • The black coat. And believe it or not, I haven’t owned one for many years. Mine is a very dark navy that looks like black so I’m counting that. This is a look that can be dressed up or down and it’s also reminiscent of the “corporate” trend. I like it.


Have you tried this fall trend?


Here we's almost sweater time