Top 5 tips to Spring clean Your Closet

It’s that time! I packed up my winter clothes with the exception of a few sweaters to keep for chilly Seattle spring days. It feels so good to start fresh and it does take something, whether it’s a friend, a stylist, or just a commitment to make it happen. I’ve been working with my clients and reviewing their winter clothes and checking to see what’s needed for early spring. Check out my tips to get it started and let me know what you think!

  1. If you happen to have a rolling rack, set it up and empty out a rack in your closet. It’s the best way to see what you have and review. Are there any items you never wore this winter? If so, now you can decide if they’re worth keeping. A nice heavy duty rack here from Uline or a more compact rack from Amazon, here.

  2. If you have a large closet, put the winter items in a separate area and move spring to the front. If you have a small closet, put the winter items in a bin, label the bin (winter ‘24) and store the bin.

  3. As you sort through your clothes, look for the items that no longer fit. Set them aside then decide if you want to have them tailored, donate or save for later (if saving, set them aside in a marked bin “try on in 4 months” (with a date!) or in a separate area of the closet.

  4. As you bring out your spring clothes, try the rolling rack tip to review them. I found two items that I’m finally ready to let go of. Less is more! If you don’t have a rolling rack, pile up your spring clothes and go through them one at a time to see what you’re keeping and what you’re done with.

  5. For my summer items, I have those set aside still until the weather heats up. The goal is to have the wear-now items in the front of your closet, not the items that don’t fit, you don’t like anymore or out of season.

    For more information, check out my website


TheT-shirt Conundrum


A simple way to transform your closet