The Winter Wardrobe Blues and a Few Tips to Help

It’s official. I’m sick of my Winter wardrobe. Is Spring here yet? Have you looked at your closet recently? I’ve looked at mine. Half of it I don’t wear. And when I did the closet switch out last fall, I felt so good about it! Oh well….time to get out the rolling rack and do the work. The first thing I did is empty the closet and review each piece. I found a handful of things I decided I’m done with. The longer cardigan sweaters are not in my current rotation and they’re not nice enough to keep. More importantly, they don’t make me feel special. Out they go! The ripped black skinny jeans I used to wear SO much. I decided to take them to a consignment store. The brand is Frame and they were not inexpensive. Guess what? They were rejected! The consignment store said they don’t accept skinny jeans anymore, wow! Times are changing. I tried them on to see if they even fit. Thanks to the amount of elastic in the fabric, I was able to button them. Barely. I think I’ll sell them on Poshmark, I’ve had good luck with that recently. Someone will love them up! What about the dresses? My clients are going through the same thing with their dresses, they’re not getting worn. I took them out, folded them up, and put them in a bin. I know where to find them if I need them. How about the winter shoes? I took 2 pairs to the consignment store and both were rejected, Goodwill it is! How’s it going with your winter wardrobe? Please share! One of my clients booked a virtual session with me to help decide which items to let go of. It takes a village. Oh and by the way….I’m keeping the jeans. I don’t care if they’re not in fashion, they feel fun and that’s what matters. Speaking of fun, maybe I’ll take Rhianna’s lead and play with stirrups…..or maybe not. Below are a few tips to help get your closet in shape. As always, check out my website for wardrobe consulting packages ❤️

Here are a few tips to get you through the rest of winter. Spring is coming!!

  1. Go through your closet left to right and review each piece. Have you worn it? Will you wear it? Do you even like it anymore?

  2. Time to say goodbye to the items that are in your closet that you know you’ll never wear again.
    A few choices: consignment store, a plastic bin with a lid if it’s “sentimental” (then move it out of the closet), sell on Poshmark, donate or have a swap party with friends!

  3. What’s missing that would bring you joy? New jeans? New boots or a new sweater? Lots of sales happening so check them out or….hire a stylist!


What is a capsule wardrobe?


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