A summer re-fresh

Oh it’s been fun in the closets this month! I’ve been clearing out the clutter and can I tell you how much joy this brings me? Not to mention my clients. Clearing out the closet might not be how you want to spend your time but I can tell you the outcome is worth it. Nothing is better than being able to get dressed quickly in the morning and look and feel great. How many clothes do we really need? Not that much! Here’s my top 5 list for summer.

  1. The perfect summer dress…..or two….or three. Throw it on and get out the door. Don’t forget the perfect summer sandals to go with it!

  2. Shorts. Do they need to be updated? I bought a new pair at Velvet and they are super comfortable and stylish. Win-win!

  3. Summer sandals. If you’re wearing last year’s sandals take a look at them. Do they need a visit to the shoe repair? If you’re ready for new summer shoes, now is the time. Fall shoes are arriving soon.

  4. A summer hat. Make your dermatologist happy AND your stylist.

  5. Summer t-shirts. I recently shipped a pale pink camouflage t-shirt to a client and it was inexpensive and adorable.


The "It" Dress of Summer


Please don’t buy this clothing item online…