The Closet. Where To begin…

The joy of the clean closet! A few times a year I do a full clean out and it feels SO good to start fresh. I take everything out and put back what I actually wear. All kinds of unexpected finds are unearthed. No, my closet doesn’t look like this but I understand the feeling of clutter-free. Last week I worked with a client at her house and we had a few closets to choose from. We started with the main closet in the bedroom. We took out the formal dresses and moved them into a different closet (formal dresses are obviously not everyday-wear unless you’re Vanna White in her prime). The goal is to have the everyday closet full of clothes we love and wear all the time. We looked at every tee shirt and donated the ones she doesn’t wear. She tried on every pair of jeans and ended up with one pair that she actually likes. Off to Nordstrom we went to buy new jeans. What we were left with was a closet with tee shirts she loves, spring/summer clothes to wear now and a bin labeled fall 2025 to review later. A fresh start!

A few small steps for you:

  • Do one session for jeans and one session for tee shirts. Try them all on! Donate what you’re done with.

  • Take out the fall/winter items and store them in bin labeled “fall 2024” or put them in another closet if you have room.

  • Take out the fall/winter shoes and store them somewhere else.

  • Do a scarf review or belt review and donate the ones you don’t wear.

  • Do a jacket review. What jackets can you use? A lightweight summer jacket? Jean jacket?

  • Call Lisa if you need help!


The last of winter and Wardrobe planning for trips


TheT-shirt Conundrum